As women, we are constantly faced with feeling the need to compare ourselves to what is considered beautiful on the outside by society. We’re conditioned to believe we have to be a certain [bra]size, hair length, height and so forth to be considered desirable. But I believe what makes a woman beautiful is the spirit she possesses. Regardless of what each of us has been through, it’s inspirational and empowering to feel in control of our own destiny. That’s what makes a woman beautiful.
And…this is why I love working with Breast Cancer survivors. These women are an inspiration to us all, not only facing the hard challenges of cancer itself, but also having survived the unique challenge of being a woman in society in overcoming the emotional and physical changes to their bodies. As our beautiful client, Tracy, stated: “After two double Mastectomies, as well as reconstructive surgery, feeling pretty wasn’t really my thoughts about myself.”
I truly believe in the power of boudoir sessions for women who have overcome breast cancer because there is something so magical and beautiful that happens in these sessions.

“After a few hours with Lori and her amazing eye for what is truly beautiful, I was feeling good about my appearance again, thus, feeling more self-confidence than in the previous 5 months. Lori makes you feel beautiful and magical… What I learned is that I am beautiful, I am worthy, I am cancer free.” ━ Tracy
I feel moved and honored to be able to share these types of moments with other women, understanding the warmth, love and connection that needs to be felt to make it an unforgettable experience for them to remember. I personally have been fortunate to not have had breast cancer (although I have experienced the fear of waiting for test results with my own scares), but I remember my grandmother going through the experience of a double Mastectomy when I was a little girl.
During a time before reconstructive surgery as we know it today was an option for women, I remember my grandmother using bean bags to stuff her bra and the playful and positive attitude she had when I would play with them. I’m grateful my grandmother survived her battle, but I’m reminded of how important the little moments matter in a big way.
Over the last few decades, I have photographed many breast cancer survivors before and after their surgery and I’m always honored to be part of the healing journey on the inside and outside. I’ve learned so much about women being a photographer and this is what I know for sure: they are strong and resilient and the most loving creatures on earth.
I believe you have to be comfortable in your own skin because no one is perfect. Everyone has flaws and no one is exempt from this. When I would look in the mirror my grandmother would say pretty is as pretty does and it always stuck with me.
Surviving Breast Cancer is an experience that makes these women the beautiful masterpieces they are, and if you’re one of these amazing women I invite you to inquire about your own boudoir session and how we can create an unforgettable, empowering and beautiful experience together.
In the meantime, take a moment to watch this beautiful behind the scenes video of Tracy’s session and how we captured her beautiful, strong spirit.
Ready to plan your own special shoot? Let’s get in touch! Let us know how to reach you here.
What a wonderful message. Lori is the best! A class act!!