by | | Boudoir, Couples
A couples shoot is the Ultimate Play Date at Brystan Studios. If you want to give your girl or man a truly thrilling and sexy surprise, gift wrap one of our Gift Certificates for a Couples Shoot. As a portrait photographer for over 25 years, it is still exciting and rewarding to see that spark in the eyes of a couple in love. I see this powerful love connection on a daily basis when a man joins his wife or girlfriend for their viewing presentation in our theater room to see her boudoir session portraits for the very first time.
A couples shoot takes the sizzle factor up to a whole new level. Not only do I get to reveal the woman’s best angles and uncover her amazing beauty, but I get to explore that magical and intangible love connection between the two of them.
by | | Boudoir
I’m blown away by the positive energy, mindset and pure beauty of our clients. For over 25 years I’ve shot nearly 400 sessions a year and I’m still overwhelmed by how beautiful a woman can be at any age. Sure our beauty can be like the shifting sand as I see this happening in my own life. The attributes that I see and enjoy now aren’t exactly the same as 20 or 30 years ago. But when projected by the right state of mind and revealed from the right angle and point of view…there is still a wow factor. In the last several months in particular, I’ve had the pleasure of capturing some amazing moments with incredible women that are in their 60’s. Such is the case with our client Linda who is stunning here as the first in a new series I’m calling The Smokin’ Sixties.
Linda is a marketing professional who exemplifies elegance, grace and just how fun and enjoyable this stage of life can be. I get to spend some very special moments with clients as I’m styling their hair and makeup. Often times, they’re relaxing with a little wine or champagne as we connect on so many different topics of life. Like so many of our clients, Linda did this shoot first and foremost for herself. And why not? While time is fleeting and passes quickly, sexy is timeless. And beauty is an attitude that exudes from the power within. And, of course, is also enjoyed by the beholder.
I’m discovering that this is the time in life when a woman really can have it all. With many of life’s challenges behind, a beauty-filled woman can enjoy her world, rest in certain accomplishments and still master and conquer many new things.
I get the feeling from Linda and others like her that all this will probably not end with the 60’s. There’s just so much more we can do and look forward to…
Treat yourself. Sexy is timeless boudoir photography.
by | | Boudoir
I have always loved Valentine’s Day Angel Wings. Even before they were being featured by Victoria’s Secret on their supermodels. I first shot angel wings on a baby girl 20 years ago. Over the years, I’ve shot angel wings for many occasions, not just Valentine’s Day. Anniversaries, bridal boudoir books, birthdays and other various holidays.
This year, I had a special kind of Valentine’s day Angel Wings in mind. I just couldn’t find anything that came close to the mental visualization. So, I created my own. They a little softer, fuller and bigger than what you can find available on the market. And I love them! They are a perfect addition to my Signature White Sheet look that I first established 28 years ago.
I’ll be featuring these Valentine’s Day Angel Wings throughout the month of January as a special White Sheet look. I’d love to capture your perfect inner angel!
by | | Boudoir
Tap into your holiday boudoir fantasy…
…with something beautiful, imaginative, sexy and new every day. We have created amazing shoots to help keep the holiday fires burning. These fantasy shoots are all quite different from each other. Perhaps you just might find a little inspiration to come in for your own holiday boudoir fantasy! You’ll find even more in our Boudoir Gallery. So what are you giving the person who already has everything? How about suprising them with a little holiday imagination. Holiday boudoir…the best gift ever!
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by | | Family and Kids
Watch our Video A Rustic Retreat: Mother and Daughter Holiday Portraits here.
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Let’s take a rustic Mother and Daughter Holiday Portraits retreat together! This woodpile is a favorite location of mine and its close to the studio. It represents so much of what I love about the holiday season. It beckons togetherness and hugs. It reminds us of stories shared around a campfire. And snuggling close in a winter mountain chill.
The woodpile was a perfect setting to capture the heart and essence of entrepreneurial business woman Tracy Darling and her daughter, Bellaa. Tracy is a dealer of luxury handbags. We combined this mother and daughter location shoot into a very unique commercial product session for her. We shot some amazing marketing images featuring a collection of her Louis Vuitton handbags. Even a quick glance at these portraits brings the smell of woodsy fragrances to mind.
Wall portraiture is the art of personalizing space. It’s an easy way to add subtle touches that totally transform your home. You can design your own rustic room by infusing elements of nature. Think of a room in your home that might be ready for a little change. Bring the rustic outdoors right into your space with wall portraits like these.
Surround your rustic portraits with a variety of natural and earthy textures. This includes shelves, bookcases and tabletop arrangements. Include vintage materials like tin or other worn or hammered metals, cement, wood and glass.
Make your rustic room a relaxing, retreat hide-away with the perfect frangrance. Cedars and sandalwoods bring warmth to any room. This will make your rustic room cozy and inviting. Watch the flickering candle flames in the reflection of your timeless portraits. This is holiday portrait photography. Savor every moment.
If you missed our video A Rustic Retreat above, you can also watch it here. How can you make this holiday season one to remember? Is there a time when all of your special people will be together in one place? If you’d like to capture a family moment like this one, give me a call at the studio and we can talk about a Signature Photography Session perfect for you. We just might even add a cool video…
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