Behind the Scenes with Emily Simpson: A Stunning Boudoir Shoot on Real Housewives of Orange County

Exclusive Brystan Studios Feature We were absolutely thrilled to host Emily Simpson from Real Housewives of Orange County in our studio for an unforgettable boudoir shoot! The day was nothing short of spectacular as we worked meticulously to capture Emily's essence...

Capture The Moments That Matter Most: Family Photography Sessions With Brystan Studios

The phrase “time flies” seems like an understatement in the grand scheme of things, doesn’t it?  Looking back on some of our favorite moments with our children, spouses, and parents… it seems like these precious pieces of our past speed by too quickly. Trying to...

Celebrate The Holidays In The Best Way!

For more than 30 years, I’ve been blessed with the opportunity to help families of all shapes and sizes, and from all walks of life, capture their love for each other in gorgeous family portraiture. It didn’t take me long to realize that I wasn’t just taking family...

Christmas In July: It’s Never Too Early For Holiday Shopping

By the time we hit July, most people are over the sun-kissed, watermelon-sorbet, beach-vibes. We’re racing indoors for the sweet relief of air conditioning and taking shopping sprees to find clothing that won’t immediately absorb every drop of sweat (or, at least...

Business & Branding: An Opportunity for Reinvention

The last several years has been an opportunity for reflection and reinvention. Many small business owners are creating their own path and many are rethinking how they want to show up for their audiences. Part of being a business owner is constantly reflecting on...

New Year, New Start: Branding Photography 101

Kicking off a new year brings so many possibilities. It’s one of our favorite times of the year when we see so many entrepreneurs and businesses with such momentum and energy for the growth to come. Among the many steps, you’ll be taking to set your business up for...

Brystan Studios Orange County Personal Branding Photoshoot

Boudoir For Breast Cancer Awareness 🎗

As women, we are constantly faced with feeling the need to compare ourselves to what is considered beautiful on the outside by society. We’re conditioned to believe we have to be a certain [bra]size, hair length, height and so forth to be considered desirable. But...

Woman photoshoot wearing a pink dress with a pink chair and a pink background

Straight From the Heart ❤️

2020 has been full of unexpected life events, and if there is one thing we’re reminded of it’s how absolutely important the love and support of family is. When the busyness of life is removed and we’re in the still moments of our day, we’re reminded that what is...

Jewels – Luxury Fifty & Fearless Session

Often we reach an age where we look back in awe of how quickly life has passed us by, reflecting on all the experiences - wonderful and otherwise - that helped form us into who we are today. Our journey in this life is one worth celebrating and our Fifty &...

Family is Everything

We’ve always loved our families but going through this challenging time together has given “family” a whole new meaning. ️After all, they are the people we grow and experience life with on an everyday basis. They are the people we turn to when life gets rough. They...

Favorite Holiday Gift Ideas from Lori

'Tis the Season! I’m frequently asked for my recommendations on everything from beauty products and tips, wardrobe styling and fun things to do around town. It comes with the territory of being a photographer in the industry and having a background as a makeup...

Lori Brystan’s Summertime Faves!
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